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public communication

Photo © TSK Bern

Upcoming presentations


16. October 2020  "La pollution plastique des océans et des eaux douces"

Ornella Weideli, biologiste marine soutenue par la Fondation Save Our Seas, Pascal Hagmann, co-directeur de l’association Oceaneye, Marco Siméoni, navigateur et directeur de la Fondation Race For Water. Sous résserve : George Nuku, artiste

Natural History Museum Geneva, Switzerland




Past presentations

21. April 2020

"Dinner Time - Das Essverhalten der Haie"

Online Webinar, TSK, Bern, Switzerland

25. & 26. January 2020

«Der Hai - Mehr als nur Zähne und Killerinstinkt»

Dive Festival, TSK, Bern, Switzerland

Blog entry and pictures

06. November 2019

«Der Hai - The beauty or the beast?"

Labormedizinisches Zentrum Dr. Risch, Schaffhausen, Switzerland

22. May 2019

«Der Hai - The beauty or the beast?"

Labormedizinisches Zentrum Dr. Risch, Kloten, Switzerland

19. February 2019

"Der Hai» 

Lyceum Club, St. Gallen, Switzerland

23. January 2018

«Evidences of a beneficial habitat? A mark-recapture study reveals distinctive populationcharacteristics in juvenile sharks at St. Joseph» 

Doctoriales online, Miami, USA

20. September 2017

«Baby Sharks»  

Sharks4Kids Google Hangout, Florida, USA

02. June 2017

«Resource partitioning and competition in the multi-species shark nursery at the St. Joseph atoll» 

University of Seychelles, Anse Royale, Seychelles

07. March 2017


Projects Abroad Fiji Shark Conservation, Pacific Harbour, Fiji

10. January 2017

«Multi-dimensional niche patterns and underlying competitive interactions in sympatric juvenile predators» 

Doctoriales 2017, CRIOBE, Moorea, French Polynesia

03. November 2016

«Why Sharks?»

Tauchsport Kaeser, Bern, Switzerland

17. December 2015

«Sharks – Der Weg vom Gymer zur Haiforschung» 

Kirchenfeld Gymnasium, Bern, Switzerland

17. August 2015

«St. Joseph Shark Nursery Project» 

Bimini Biological Field Station (BBFS), Bimini, Bahamas

06. May 2015

«St. Joseph Shark Nursery Project» 

University of Seychelles, Seychelles

07. May 2015

«The truth about sharks»

Marine Explorers course, Island School, Mahe, Seychelles

26. April 2014

«Biology examples adaptable for the classroom: Genetics and population dynamics»

CRIOBE, Perpignan, France


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